Acrostic Poem

 First Story

Title: Of Mice and Men

Author: John Stein Back

Pages: 107

Summary of The Story:

It's about Lennie and his partner that tries to find a job to earn some money and can change their lives to become richer. But their journey it's not easy, there are several challenges that they must deal with, and not easy to work as a farmer after they finally get a job. Many things happen to them but they didn't give up and they still live together, there is a plot twist in this story, so if you have an interest in this book you can borrow it from the library. 


Why I choose Lennie as my character because he actually is a kind man, even though he has a big size body for a human and looks scary but he is didn't harm as we imagine it and that's why I pick this character. So Lennie basically it's a man who tries to find a job but it's not easy for him because he has a mental illness, so it really interrupts him to find a job, he need help from his partner.


Reason for making The Acrostic Poem:

So the reason I make that poem because the word that I've been selected is fitted the character. L for labile, Lennie actually is a labile person, he can't control his own, emotions even though he is an adult. E is for emotional, It's really easy for Lennie to get emotional because he can't control his emotion, he can easily get angry. N is needy because he didn't have money, and because of that he with his partner began their adventure and tried to find a job to earn money. N is for nice, even though Lennie can't control his emotion and he's a labile person, but he is a really really nice person, he loves animals and he actually didn't want to hurt people around him, and then I am for imperfect, cause he has a mental disability, and can't control his emotion and the last is E is for enchanted, he is a person that easy to be enchanted when he sees animals like dogs he is easily enchanted and wants to pet them.

Second Listening Story

Title: Neighbors

Author: ELLO

Length of the listening: 2:20

Summary of the story:

It's about Phil and Todd who met in the building that they live in. As new neighbors, they greet each other and they start to talk. So they talk about several topics when they met and they share their opinion about the building that they live in and they tell about their daily life routine.


The character that I choose is Phil. Why? when I see his character, as a neighbor, he is a polite man and he is a friendly man, so I love people who have a character or attitude like that so that is my reason why I choose Phil as my character.


Reason for making The Acrostic Poem:

So my reason why I make that poem is that the word, especially the adj word it's related to the character, so I will explain each of the words that I've marked. First is Peaceful, Phil love to live in a peaceful building and sometimes he gets disturbed by the washing machines inside the building, and the second it's happy, it's because he is a happy person and he feels happy when he lives in the building because the peoples inside the buildings are nice, friendly and kind. The third it's ideal cause Phil is glad he can live in an ideal place like this and he said that the buildings are clean and nice, so that is the reason why the place is so ideal in his opinion. And last it's a live, yeah of course because he lives in the building and he met his new neighbor, Todd.


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