My Choice

 The Happy Prince

Title: The Happy Prince

Author: Oscar Wilde

Word Count: 3,137

My Emoji:

After I read that story I feel happy, because the ending was a happy ending, and I can see The Gold Prince and The Swallow can enter heaven and they can live a good life in heaven with God. First, I was really sad because The Gold Prince and The Swallow are dead but I start to feel happy when I read the ending, cause they enter heaven. 

And the reason why I choose the happy emoji is that I feel happy they can enter heaven, I feel happy because finally The good Gold Prince and The Swallow enter heaven and they deserve that because they have pure, kind hearts and they willing to help people so that the reason why I choose this emoji.

 The scene that makes me choose the happy emoji it's when God tells his angels to bring the most important things in the city, that is the lead heart of the golden prince and the swallow, and god put them in heaven. So that scene makes me happy and choose the happy emoji and represent too what I feel after reading the story.

Title: Soapy's Choice

Author: O' Hendry

Length: 13:03


My Emoji:

After I listen to the story, I feel surprised because, in the end, Soapy got arrested after he enter the church. So the reason why I'd choose that emojis, it's because I get surprised and I can't guess the ending of the story, the plot twist makes me surprised because I don't know why Soapy can get arrested even though he just comes inside the church.

The scene that makes me choose that emoji is when suddenly the policeman talks to Soapy that he gets arrested for three months in prison. It makes me surprised because in that scene suddenly the policeman told Soapy to enter the prison without apparent reason. 

Thank you everyone for spending time to read my blog, I hope my blog can entertain you even just a bit, GBU. 👍


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