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Thor vs Giants

Hi human, let me introduce myself, my name is Thor and I'm a god of thunder. I live in Asgard and I'm not a human but I'm god, so I can do a thing that humans can't be able to do it. I think I'm a famous god right? I look on earth and many people know who I am, and I'm really happy because I'm famous on earth, but I'm not just famous on earth but also in Asgard. For you humans that don't know what is Asgard, Asgard is where I was born, and many other gods live in Asgard like my father Odin, my brother Loki, and many many gods live in Asgard. 

Like I said before I'm Thor, the god of thunder, I can use my weapon, it's a hammer name Mjolnir that can create thunder but I also can make thunder without my hammer. And who created me, of course, my author, Scott, but if you ask me who create me in this story, of course, my father and my mom created me. So what I do for my living is I usually help my father in Asgard. 

In this story, I start a journey with my brother Loki and my human servant named Thjalfi across The Land of Giant named Jotunheim. I start my journey and I met a giant who offer help to us bring our food bag. But because he is asleep, I can't open the food bag. I have been trying to wake up him with my hammer but I fail, he still falls asleep. 

After that, the giant leaves us and we go to Utgard. Inside the fortress, we meet the king of giants, Utgard. He give us several challenges, but we failed the challenge that has given to us. But the king said that we were actually really strong because the challenge that the king make is illusional. The king gives an illusional challenge because he is scared of our power and ability, so he makes that illusion challenge and told to us to never come back to his fortress.

So the event that I don't like is when the giant, Utgard told us to not never come back again to Utgard. I was really disappointed because we have finished our challenges and he admire our strength and ability but he didn't allow us to come inside again to his fortress, it's not fair!

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Link Story:

Hi everyone, good to see yea, I hope you guys who read my story always stay positive and give a positive impact on other people on earth.  Let me introduce myself, my name is Hercules and I live in Greece. I'm actually not a god but I'm half human half god, and I  was born a mortal I have a really strong strength and I have a god power too even though I am not 100% god. 

Who created me, of course, an author created me but unfortunately, I can't find out who the author who created me is, I can only see the web that make my story, I don't know who the person that wrote my story is. But for you that write my story, I applaud your job, and thanks for introducing yourself to people on earth. My father is Zeus and my mom is a mortal woman Alcmene. So what I do in this story is, well The king didn't like me, so he try to get rid of me because the king was jealous of me. After all, He's gonna replace me and become a king.

King send me to get three golden apples and he give the order to me because he wants me to have a long trip so I can't be the next king. I start a long journey until I finally meet atlas, Atlas offers to help find the three golden apples but he told me to resist the sky, so Atlas can find the three apples. I agree with his offer so I hold sky for a short time and Atlas comes to me and brings the three golden apples for me. He finally come and put it in my feet and Atlas didn't want to hold the sky again because after thousands of years he has a hold of that sky.

But in the order, I have to send the three golden apples so I trick atlas to hold the sky for a while and I say "Atlas, can you resist the sky for a while because I have to use my pad to hold the sky stronger". Atlas agrees and he holds the sky for a while. I use that chance to take my golden apples and leave Atlas. He looks speechless and seems that he doesn't have a word to say.

After that, I return the three golden apples to the king but the king seems not satisfied and gonna give me a long trip task, so I can't be a king.

The event in the story that I don't like is the king because he was jealous of me and didn't give me a chance to become a king. If I can change the story I would like to change the story but because the author and the web have made it, I have to respect it.


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